We're In This Together

Dear True North families,
In the wake of daily updates around the coronavirus and COVID-19, we want to reassure you of the precautionary and thoughtful measures we are taking to protect your health and well-being.
While specific protocols of cleanliness have always been part of our church's procedures, we want to reassure you that our disinfection routines will be heightened to ensure we continue to maintain the safest environment for the families we serve. In addition, we are increasing the frequency of our cleaning efforts in each classroom.
We are in this together, and we sincerely thank you for joining us in our strongest efforts to keep our families healthy. That's why we are:
- asking anyone with a fever of 100.4 or higher or have flu-like symptoms to stay home;
- asking everyone to wash their hands before and after church when possible;
- making hand sanitizer available as we are able to do so;
- sanitizing all materials and high-touch surfaces in our classrooms with disinfectants.
As a cherished member of the TNC family, your health and well-being, as well as that of our greater community, remain our top priorities. You can rest easy knowing that we will continue to watch closely as the situation evolves. You can count on us to be prudent, reasonable, and as always, very protective of each of you and our church which depends on your faithfulness.
We would also like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your commitment to one another at True North. We are absolutely dedicated to supporting you and ensuring that the message of faith and healing continues to be preached in Upstate South Carolina, trusting our faithful Father to meet our every need, whatever the coming weeks may bring.
Let us also remember, though we must use wisdom in this season, "...God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
Pastors Brad & Jennifer